TLC Reach Out

On this page:
Support and Contact

Given recent events on campus, as a teacher you may face challenging situations in your lesson, such as heightened emotions, intense discussions and concerns about social safety. The UvA Teaching & Learning Centers (TLC) offers support for teaching staff in dealing with these situations. Below, you will find a guide to having conversations about sensitive topics and dealing with ‘HOT’ (Heated, Offensive and Tense) moments. Information is also available on how to teach online, should the need arise unexpectedly. It is also possible to participate in training courses or workshops and to request personal support.

Support and Contact per faculty

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Support for teachers at FMG
TLC-FMG Support
Faculty of Humanities
Support for teachers at FGw
TLC-FGw Support
Faculty of Economics and Business
TLC-EB Contact Information
Contact TLC-EB
Faculty of Medicine
TLC-FdG Contact Information
Contact TLC-FdG
Amsterdam Law School
TLC-FdR Contact Information
Contact TLC-FdR
Science Park 904 Faculty of Science
TLC-Science Support
TLC-Science Support

Resources for teaching staff

Guide to classroom conversation on recent demonstrations

The recent events on our campus have had a significant impact on our UvA community. Here, we present you with a step-by-step plan that can assist in having (or choosing whether to have) a conversation about this. 

Guide to classroom conversation
Tips for 'HOT' Moments

Teachers and students may increasingly find themselves confronted with so-called HOT (Heated, Offensive and Tense) moments in class: uncomfortable or unsafe situations in which one person’s view conflicts with another’s integrity. Here, TLC-FGw lists tips for dealing with these moments.

Tips for dealing with Hot Moments
Recap Knowledge Sharing session on 'HOT' Moments

TLC has been covering how to deal with HOT (Heated, Offensive and Tense) moments in the classroom; read our latest recap of the knowledge sharing session on HOT Moments.

See recap
Teaching Online

Through the link below you can find more information on how to set up online lectures, tutorials and more.

Keep on Teaching
Social Safety for staff

The University of Amsterdam would like to provide you, as a member of staff, with a safe foundation and a positive environment. There are different individuals and institutions you can turn to otherwise.

Find UvA updates on protests via

Social Safety for staff (via
Refer students if needed

UvA Student psychologists offer psychological support and workshops for students. You can inform students by referring to this page.

Student Psychologists (via


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