About TLC Central

Expertise Network

TLC Central is a central team for the network of UvA Teaching & Learning Centres (TLC). For the network, TLC Central promotes an inspiring, learning and future-proof UvA teaching and learning culture by coordinating and facilitating.


The TLC network consists of seven teams in the faculties and a central team for coordination and facilitating. The TLC network achieves its mission by focusing on:


Teacher Development  |  Knowledge Sharing  |  Educational Innovation  |  Research


Meet our team

Teacher Development

The UvA is committed to providing high-quality and innovative education to students. UvA Teaching & Learning Centers (TLC) support teachers in their professional development.

TLC Central offers educational expertise and guidance for lecturers at the UvA, in line with their prior knowledge and interests. At the core of what we offer is that all lecturers at the UvA can get the best out of their teaching.

This involves more than teaching skills: it is also important to develop an inquisitive attitude towards one’s own teaching. In this way, lecturers can continue to improve their teaching on the basis of educational insights.

See courses and programmes

Educational Innovation

TLC Central contributes to an innovative educational environment. By providing grants, development hours and co-creation spaces.


Co-creation spaces


TLC Central fosters a research culture for teaching and learning at UvA. It promotes evidence-informed practices within the TLC network and the UvA by:

  • advising on the use of scientific methods in teachers’ everyday work;
  • acquiring new knowledge in the field of teacher development and educational innovation at the UvA;
  • collecting and disseminating existing (scientific) knowledge about higher education.
Research on Online Education

Research on Blended Education

Research Fellow Programma