Within the UvA, we promote knowledge sharing, expertise building and community building through Special Interest Groups (SIGs). In this way, the network of UvA Teaching & Learning Centres (TLC) builds an expertise network focused on shared themes and interests in education.
A SIG is a group for teachers with shared interest and expertise within a particular theme. In a SIG, participants come together to exchange, develop and apply knowledge and experience. Essentially, a SIG focuses on expertise and networking around a specific theme. Themes that teachers care about and are relevant for the quality of academic education at the UvA. With the SIGs, we transcend faculty boundaries and enable teachers from all faculties to meet each other.
All interested teachers at the UvA can participate in a SIG. Participation is entirely without obligation. As a teacher, you can join as an expert. However, you are also more than welcome to join if you aim to increase your expertise within a particular theme. The structure and procedure vary per individual SIG. For more information, please visit the specific SIG pages or contact the coordinators.
Higher education classrooms are increasingly diverse, presenting both challenges and benefits. The SIG International Classroom fosters inclusive and dynamic learning environments in higher education that celebrate cultural diversity, promote global perspectives, and prepare students to thrive in an interconnected world.
This SIG is concerned with the deployment of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and 360-degree video in education.
Assessment is critical to the university: how do we determine whether the student has really met the program’s learning objectives? We discuss these kinds of issues and more in the SIG Assessment.
The SIG ‘Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’ (SoTL) aims to bring teachers who are interested in researching their own teaching practices together.
The UvA is committed to the development of Fair, Resilient & Inclusive Societies (FRIS), pursuing the well-being of all students, teachers and citizens.
Impact Learning is a form of education that actively engages students in addressing real problems and making meaningful contributions to society. Impact Learning goes beyond the traditional classroom and encourages students to engage with society, apply their skills and knowledge to solve real problems and turn challenges into solutions. This involvement can take various forms, including direct collaboration with society, engagement with external project partners or communities, and participation in citizen science initiatives.
The SIG is a network of educators working or interested in integrating GenAI into education in an ethical way. If you are a lecturer, teacher, researcher, examiner, or policy advisor with an interest in the intersection of AI and university education, we invite you to join the SIG.
Knowledge sharing, expertise and community building are stimulated with Special Interest Groups (SIGs).