Tuesday 22 October, we are pleased to celebrate education at UvA with you! Dr. Toni Pape, researcher and teacher Media Studies at UvA, will introduce you to the theme ‘Connectedness in Education’ as chair of the day. Professor Communication in the Digital Society Jessica Piotrowski will give an inspiring keynote on how the power of connections can be a game-changer for higher education. Furthermore, there will be 10 diverse group sessions, covering topics such as inclusive testing, Deep Democracy and teaching strategies to promote connectedness.
Date | 22 October 2024 | |
Time | 11.30 – 17.30 | |
Location |
Aula – Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411
Day chair | Dr. Toni Pape |
Jessica Taylor Piotrowski,
Professor Communication in the Digital Society
In today’s rapidly evolving academic world, success often hinges on our ability to connect the dots—integrating various relationships to support a thriving academic environment. This keynote will explore how the power of connection can be a game-changer for higher education.
We will examine how connecting the dots between faculty members can benefit education. The crucial partnerships between faculty and support staff will also be highlighted, showing how these relationships elevate education in powerful ways. Of course, at the heart of education is the interwoven connection between faculty, student, and course content. Here, we will discuss concrete strategies for cultivating this connection to best support engaged learning.
Join us, Tuesday 22 October, as we uncover strategies to connect the dots!
Good and inspiring education is of great importance to the UvA. That is why we present UvA Education Awards to exceptional teachers and courses, education projects or -teams that contribute to good and inspiring education. In addition, the best and most original Master’s theses written at the UvA are rewarded each year with the UvA Thesis Prize. The jury judges the submissions by scientific quality and originality. Prior to the festive presentation, writer and theatre maker Abdelkader Benali will talk to the winners about themes such as the life, dreams and future plans of a thesis winner.
The UvA Education Day is a celebration of education. Together, we focus on the importance of teachers and the education they provide within the UvA. The programme of the upcoming UvA Education Day reflects current trends within the UvA. There will also be plenty of time for group sessions and unattached networking. During the sessions, you will explore a sub-theme in which you are interested together with colleagues.
The programme consists of:
Marieke Brand (FMG), Wouter ter Haar (Executive Staff), Jasmijn Ritmeester (Student Services), Yatun Sastramidjaja (FMG)
How do you interact with those who feel similar to you and those people you see as different? This workshop revolves around this question, based on research by MA Applied Anthropology conducted among UvA students. It was prompted by research showing that many students – especially internationals – experience loneliness and a lack of sense of belonging. Why is it that students do not mix and how can we break down the barriers that have arisen between different groups? Through the lens of “self” and “other”, the workshop will explore how certain practices at UvA can unintentionally reinforce this divide, hampering social integration. During the workshop you will also get to work yourself and think about strategies that we can apply at the UvA to work towards a more inclusive and cohesive university community.
This workshop has been made possible because of the collaboration with the recent Applied Anthropology alumni Brendan Casteleins, Clara Granja, Kyana Boily and Dirk van der Pol.
Marieke Brand is policy officer and PhD mentor at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). She works on topics of student and PhD wellbeing and PhD training. She is especially interested in forms of teaching and learning that foster student and PhD wellbeing, engagement and sense of belonging.
Wouter ter Haar is policy officer at the Business Intelligence department. ‘My main task is to research (both evaluative and preparatory) policies and processes within the University of Amsterdam.’
Yatun Sastramidjaja is assistant professor in Anthropology and the program director of the Master’s Cultural and Social Anthropology. Her research focuses on youth studies and youth activism, mostly in Southeast Asia.
Jasmijn Ritmeester is the project lead for student well-being at Student Services. With 8 years of experience in student support roles at the university, her focus is on exploring how tools can be used to promote a stronger sense of social belonging and encourage help-seeking behavior among students.
This group session has reached the maximum number of participants, unfortunately you can no longer register.
Hannah Kousbroek (FGw) and Ingrid Pancras (FdR)
How can we be fairer and more inclusive in assessing our students? As assessment specialists, Hannah Kousbroek and Ingrid Pancras will guide you in exploring the accessibility and equity of existing assessment practices. In which ways might assessment exclude students or prevent them from showcasing their mastery of learning outcomes? During the workshop we will discuss fairer, more inclusive approaches to assessment in a range of contexts.
Hannah Kousbroek is an assessment specialist and University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) trainer at the Teaching & Learning Centre of the Faculty of Humanities (TLC-FGw).
Ingrid Pancras is assessment specialist at the TLC of the Faculty of Law (TLC-FdR). Besides, Hannah and Ingrid are the coordinators of the Special Interest Group (SIG) ‘Assessment’ at TLC Central.
Debbie Gerritsen, Mieke Lopes Cardozo and Rosanne van Wieringen (IIS/FMG)
Join us in shaping a more responsive and impactful educational system! This workshop emphasizes our commitment to transforming higher education for today’s societal needs. Led by the UvA HOT initiative, we seek to replace outdated practices with regenerative, action-oriented methods. Let’s imagine transformative futures, address systemic barriers, design practical interventions, and assess their impact. This workshop invites all who are involved in education to collaborate, envision a future-ready education system, and take steps to achieve this transformation.
Debby Gerritsen is educational developer and teacher at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS). ‘I commit myself to develop meaningful education for change makers in which the wellbeing, motivation and growth of students is at the core.’
Mieke Lopes Cardozo is associate professor in Regenerative Education and Development at the UvA. ‘In my work I aspire to contribute to a more thriving, healthy and transformative – or “regenerative” – (higher) education system, which (better) serves current and future generations to care for the earth.’
Rosanne van Wieringen is educational developer and teacher at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS). ‘I dream about authentic education in which each individual is given the space to grow (up) and flourish in connection with the world around them.’
Nina Scheres, Dennis Kruijssen en Saskia Belt (FNWI)
Hoe goed kun jij kritisch luisteren en zorgvuldig argumenteren? In deze Nederlandstalige workshop spelen we Wie is de Drog? Een werkvorm in de sfeer van de bekende TV-show Wie is de Mol?, waarin deelnemers hun visie vormen op wetenschap van de toekomst, en (populair)wetenschappelijke discussies voeren. Het helpt de deelnemers op weg met zorgvuldig argumenteren en kritisch luisteren naar wat de ander zegt. Deze werkvorm is toepasbaar op verschillende onderwerpen en dat laten we zien aan de hand van verschillende onderwijsthema’s. Voorkennis van drogredenen is niet nodig, maar kan wel een handig spelvoordeel zijn….
Nina Scheres is sinds 2015 met veel toewijding docent en onderwijsontwikkelaar bij Biomedische Wetenschappen en Honours Levenswetenschappen. Sinds dit studiejaar jaar gaat ze verder als onderwijsvernieuwer bij TLC-Science.
Dennis Kruijssen is docent bij de opleiding Psychobiologie. Hij experimenteert graag met nieuwe werkvormen en wordt enthousiast als hij het kwartje bij studenten ziet vallen.
Saskia Belt doceert bij de opleiding Biomedische Wetenschappen. Ze heeft een passie voor het verbeteren van het onderwijs. Het geeft haar energie om te zien hoe studenten groeien in hun begrip.
Group session 5: Connected in independence – How to strengthen collaboration between students outside lectures
Eva Breedveld (FGw)
In this interactive workshop you will discover how to enhance student collaboration as a teacher. Being able to collaborate independently is an essential skill, both during studies and later in the workplace. When students work well together, they inspire each other, learn from each other, achieve more, and have more fun. In this workshop we will uncover how teachers can improve student collaboration through clear instructions, thoughtful assignment design and targeted guidance. Moreover, a teacher will share his first-hand experiences. How did he succeed in influencing students’ learning process? Did their social skills develop as a result? And what did the students think of this?
Eva Breedveld is educational advisor at the Teaching & Learning Centre of the Faculty of Humanities (TLC-FGw).
Dr. Hülya Altinyelken (FMG), Brit Giesbertz (FNWI), Anouk Tso (Executive Staff), Dr. Maryn Wilkinson (FGw)
Education Day 2024_Slides for Workshop Inclusion and Connectedness
This workshop explores the importance of fostering a sense of connectedness in diverse and international classrooms. We will examine various teaching and learning strategies that can enhance or, in some cases, inhibit feelings of connectedness among students, their peers, and their lecturers. Participants will be introduced to practical pedagogical tools designed to strengthen inclusion and connectedness both inside and outside the classroom. Through small group discussions and case study reflections, participants are encouraged to share experiences and identify best practices relevant to their specific educational contexts. After this workshop you have gained valuable insights in the vital role that inclusion and connectedness play in academic success and student well-being. You will know how to apply specific strategies as well as practical teaching and learning tools.
Dr. Hülya Altinyelken is associate professor at the department of Child Development and Education, specializing in curricular and pedagogical reforms, internationalization in higher education, and inclusion and diversity.
Brit Giesbertz is didactical educator at the Teaching and Learning Centre of the Faculty of Science (TLC-Science), specializing in supporting lecturers in the design of inclusive education.
Anouk Tso is the Director of International Affairs. In this role she is responsible for delivering the University’s International Strategy and leading the university-wide implementation of the lines of action underpinning this strategy.
Dr. Maryn Wilkinson is assistant professor in Film Studies at the department of Media Studies and educational expert at the TLC-FGw, where she specializes in D&I teaching strategies, the international classroom, and using imagination in education.
Erjo Beitler (TLC Central)
A democratic decision is usually based on the perspectives of the majority. A deep democratic decision goes beyond such a majority vote by incorporating the ‘wisdom of the minority’. This ensures that perspectives from the 1-49% who have different perspectives are heard in the decision-making process. Using the principles of the Deep Democracy method we can enhance decision making processes and maybe more importantly enhance the quality of our discussions. This can have a huge impact, and, in a classroom, it can result in more inclusive education.
Erjo Beitler is certified Deep Democracy trainer. He will introduce you to the theoretical principles that underlie the Deep Democracy method, let you experience deep democratic practices and identify tips and tricks to use in your classroom or team.
As an experienced TLC trainer, Erjo got acquainted with the Deep Democracy method and qualified as a level 4 trainer. Working with Deep Democracy has realised a paradigm shift in Erjo’s approach to group work.
De beste en origineelste aan de UvA geschreven masterscripties worden elk jaar beloond met de UvA-scriptieprijs. Deze prijzen zijn een extra bekroning op het universitaire diploma. Dit jaar worden de UvA-scriptieprijzen uitgereikt tijdens de UvA Onderwijsdag op 22 oktober 2024.
Masterstudenten die zijn afgestudeerd tussen 1 februari 2023 en 1 april 2024 en een 9 of hoger hebben behaald voor hun scriptie, konden deelnemen aan de UvA-scriptieprijs 2024. Tijdens de uitreiking ontvangt de hoofdprijswinnaar 3000 euro en de overige (facultaire) winnaars ontvangen elk 1000 euro. Per faculteit is één facultaire winnaar gekozen. Uit deze 7 winnaars kiest de jury (die bestaat uit de decanen van de zeven UvA-faculteiten) de hoofdprijswinnaar van de UvA-scriptieprijs 2024.
De facultaire winnaars van dit jaar zijn:
De winnaars ontvangen hun prijzen uit handen van prof. dr. Marieke de Goede, decaan van de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen en juryvoorzitter van de UvA-scriptieprijs 2024.
Na afloop van de feestelijke uitreiking, gaat schrijver en theatermaker Abdelkader Benali in gesprek met de winnaars over thema’s als het leven, de dromen en toekomstplannen van een scriptieprijswinnaar.
Over Abdelkader Benali
Abdelkader Benali is schrijver, (televisie)presentator en theatermaker. Hij won onder andere de Libris Literatuurprijs. Abdelkader was in academisch jaar 2018-2019 Honorary Fellow aan de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen van de UvA. Hij woont en werkt in Amsterdam.
Monique Jongerius and Anke de Vrieze (TLC Central)
Teaching means connecting. To your students, the university, colleagues, your field of expertise. So, how do you connect? What does this mean to you? What is important for you to feel connected?
In this workshop we will explore the connection we have with ourselves, with others and the world around us through experiential learning. We will use contemplative and embodied techniques and work a lot with moving exercises in the room, on our own and together, to include our body and open up all our senses. By reflecting on what you experience, hear, see, sense and feel and translating it to your own teaching practice, we offer a multilayered and inspiring learning experience for you with new insights in connecting.
Monique Jongerius works as teacher, trainer and educational advisor at UvA TLC Central. She is trainer & assessor for the UTQ programme, trainer of the Visible Learning Trajectories Programme, and advocate for integrating Embodied Learning into the academic world.
Anke de Vrieze works as knowledge & learning adviser at the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (part of WUR, UU, UMC and TU/e) and is co-founder of the Transformative Learning Hub at Wageningen University. She is passionate about bringing transformative and embodied forms of learning into practice.
This group session has reached the maximum number of participants, unfortunately you can no longer register.
Sander Corssmit and Lida van Merwe (FdG)
To what extent are your students intrinsically motivated to attend your class? And does your teaching help them regulate their learning? In this workshop, led by Lida van Merwe and Sander Corssmit, both Principal Educator Self-Regulated Learning at Amsterdam UMC, you will explore how to adapt your teaching to make your students more motivated. We will discuss experiences and examples from the Mentoring Programme of the Master Epicurus, Faculty of Medicine and connect the Self-Determination Theory with the Self-Regulation Cycle. Motivation is a key driver in your students’ learning cycle, which you can stimulate by helping them connect with each other and with themselves. A workshop on wanting, learning and meeting.
Sander Corssmit is general practitioner (GP) and lecturer at the department of General Medicine at Amsterdam UMC. Both in the consulting room and in the university, as coordinator of the Master of Medicine’s mentoring programme and Principal Educator Self-Directed Learning, he loves helping people to connect with themselves and each other.
Lida van Merwe is anatomy lecturer at the department of Medical Biology, Section of Clinical Anatomy and Embryology at Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. Besides teaching, she coordinates education within the Bachelor of Medicine, chairs the Education Committee of the Bachelor and Master of Medicine at the UvA, and is Principal Educator focusing on Self-Regulated Learning in the Bachelor Epicurus.
Dr. Toni Pape is the chair of the day of the UvA Education Day 2024. He works as a researcher and teacher in Media studies at the University of Amsterdam. His research focuses on the aesthetics of contemporary television and video games. Toni teaches mainly in the Bachelor’s programme ‘Media and Culture’ and the Master’s programme ‘Television and Cross-media Culture’. He has also taught courses for the Netherlands Institute of Cultural Analysis. In 2019, his course ‘Introduction to Video Game Studies’ received the Humanities Faculty’s Teaching Award. In his courses, Toni likes to bring students together through blended learning, peer reviewing and research-creation workshops.
The UvA Education Day is organised by TLC Central in collaboration with the TLC Network.