Science Park 904

TLC-Science Support

At the TLC-Science, we are deeply saddened by the physical and emotional damage to our community due to recent demonstrations on campus. Together with our TLC colleagues across the University of Amsterdam, we are providing teachers a range of support options. Here, you can quickly find these options and how to get help. Together, we will find a way forward.


Reach out to us via

Contact TLC-Science


1 on 1 support

Our trainers are available to provide support on the following topics:

  • If you individually want to discuss how to handle hot moments in your classroom
  • Support on how to easily go online
Contact TLC-Science
Group support

We can provide support for programme groups or course coordinators on the following topics:

  • Training: HOT moments
  • Training: How to have an interactive online class
Contact TLC-Science


Guide classroom conversation on recent demonstrations

The recent events on our campus have had a significant impact on our UvA community. Here, we present you with a step-by-step plan that can assist in (choosing to have) a conversation.

TLC Reachout
HOT moments

Teachers and students are increasingly confronted with HOT (Heated, Offensive and Tense) moments during lessons in which one person’s view conflicts with another’s integrity. Here, TLC-FGw lists tips for dealing with these moments.

Tips for HOT moments
Recap Knowledge haring session on HOT moments

TLC has been covering HOT (Heated, Offensive and Tense) moments in the classroom, see our latest recap of the knowledge sharing session on HOT moments.

See recap
Refer students if needed

UvA Student psychologists offer psychological support and workshops for students. You can inform students by referring to this page and/or workshops aimed at student selfcare below.

Stabilizing yourself in difficult times | 21 May Online

Stabilizing yourself in difficult times | 22 May on campus

Student Psychologists (via