(C) Universiteit van Amsterdam

Teacher Peer-Feedback Sessions

For every educator (EN)

As a teacher, you may have questions about your daily work practice and want some feedback. You may find it helpful to have a sparring partner. If so, you can sign up for the teacher peer feedback. During peer-feedback sessions, colleagues think with you and share ideas and advice. This gives you insight into possible solutions to issues arising in your teaching practice. 

Over the course of six two-hour sessions, you will be discussing submitted cases with a group of 5 to 7 colleagues. These sessions are done under the guidance of a coach and are set within a fixed structure. Examples of questions are: How do I get my students more involved online? How do I match my lessons design with the learning needs of students? How can I deal with deadlines and all the stress that comes with these? By discussing such issues with colleagues, you gain more insight into your own work situation, new perspectives and outcomes. 


Good to know

Target audience All teachers involved in higher education.
Prior knowledge No specific prior knowledge required
Required time investment 6 sessions of 2 hours
Trainer Erjo Beitler (TLC Central)

René Glastra van Loon (TLC Central)

Group composition  Between 6 (minimum) and 8 (maximum) no. of participants
Dates This course is currently not on offer. Please send an e-mail to tlc@uva.nl if you would be interested in following this course.


Course details

The course consists of six sessions. During the first meeting, people will get acquainted with each other and with the goals and framework of teacher peer-feedback. Each group will set its own rules, after which cases will be discussed. The other sessions consist of a round of peer-feedback in response to the issues that were raised. Depending on the needs of the group, experts in specific areas of teaching practice can be invited and various forms of peer feedback can be tried out.

Will I receive a diploma or certificate upon completion of the course?

Upon completion of this course, you will not receive a diploma. After all, it is not a course you are completing. However, it is possible to receive a certificate of participation.

How much time am I expected to spend on this course outside of session(s)?

Before the start of each course, we ask participants to fill in a form and send this to the trainer. This helps the trainer to obtain insight in to the learning goals and expectations of the participants. For participants, this a good way to prepare for asking the questions and discussing the topics that would benefit them most.

In addition, the majority of courses invite participants to bring in materials (such as a case study), or to prepare for sessions by watching/reading some online self-study materials. For a complete course, the total preparation time will be approximately 1 hour.

For courses that consist of more than one session, there will be some additional between-session work, in the form of an assignment. Assignments offer you the opportunity to put what you have learned into practice. How much time you spend on an assignment is largely up to you, although a reasonable estimate would be 1 hour for the entire course.

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