Enhancing Student Engagement and Motivation in Tutorials by Jacques Masuret

Inspirational video | Enhancing student engagement and motivation in tutorials 

Dr. Jacques Masuret, lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics, explains how to make tutorials engaging for students. Jacques emphasises clear communication, a safe space for mistakes, and integrating fun activities for an enjoyable and productive tutorial experience. Positive student feedback affirms the success of these practices. 

The teaching techniques demonstrate practical connections to core elements of Active Learning by using 5-minute warm-up puzzles, encouraging group discussions, optional sharing and wrapping up each tutorial with a reflective 2-Glow and 1-Grow activity to reinforce learning outcomes. 

The importance of student motivation and engagement in Active Learning 

Engagement deepens understanding and retention, creating a fulfilling learning experience. Dr. Jacques Masuret’s techniques enhance critical thinking and reflective skills, fostering a sense of accomplishment, thus, enabling an enjoyable educational experience. His techniques showcase constructive alignment, connecting learning outcomes, assessments, and actions to boost student engagement and motivation. 

View Dr. Jacques Masuret’s Active Learning clip, a perfect match for the “Build, Assess, Act” pyramid of Constructive Alignment. 

  • Build (Intended Learning Outcomes): The warm-up puzzle activity aligns with session goals, setting a clear foundation for each session. 
  • Assess (Reflective Summary Activity): 2-Glow and 1-Grow serve as ongoing assessment, offering insights into mastery and growth over 8 weeks, directly linked to intended outcomes. 
  • Act (Engagement and Motivation): Engaging warm-up puzzles and reflective summaries actively involve students, fostering relatedness, intrinsic motivation, and critical thinking. These actions align with facilitating effective learning based on assessment outcomes.