Audio/videofeedback: “Personal and time efficient”

Voice feedback makes it possible to provide students with feedback in a personal way. The student hears your voice and your intonation; this provides an affective element that can enhance the constructive nature of the feedback. With the Canvas Speedgrader tool it is possible to add a media file as feedback. The use of video/audio feedback in combination with a rubric can save time. 

     Maryn Wilkinson shares her experience with giving recorded feedback: 

“It takes some getting used to recording feedback at first (and especially recording and hearing your own voice), but it really works fantastically and saves a lot of time! While reading assignments, I write down a few key words and then record my feedback directly, instead of tinkering with a written text for a long time. I really like that students can now hear the tone of my voice and that I can monitor the constructive nature of my comments. It also feels much more personal – something that can certainly be a valuable addition within a digital marking environment (and in addition to an assessment matrix, for example).” 

Would you like to gain inspiration or exchange experiences about recorded feedback with Maryn Wilkinson? 

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