The knowledge clip studio in the AudioVisual Center makes it possible to make your own knowledge clips. A knowledge clip is a short video of a maximum of 3 minutes in which a specific topic is discussed.

With this tool I, as a teacher, can:

  • capture, share, and reuse knowledge;
  • explain theoretical concepts as optimally as possible;
  • save time in the classroom by offering certain (theoretical) prior knowledge online in advance and/or afterwards;
  • create self-study opportunities for students;
  • give the students more autonomy over their learning process.
Why should I use this tool?

Some tricky topics may need to be re-explained on a regular basis, which can take up a lot of time. By recording the lesson material well prepared and under controlled conditions, with or without a PowerPoint presentation or animation, a sustainable product is created in which the explanation is optimally presented. These knowledge clips can often be used for a longer period of time and can also serve as a ‘work of reference’.

What is this tool less suitable for?
  • subject matter that is regularly subject to change;
  • transferring practical skills;
  • multiple and longer topics. If the clip lasts longer than 5 minutes, there is a good chance that the students will lose their attention and the knowledge will not stick.
How does the tool come into its own?

TLC organizes courses for making knowledge clips: Storyboarding for knowledge clips – UvA Teaching and Learning Center