Groupify is a tool used within Canvas. Groupify allows students to indicate their first, second choice, etc. for certain groups. This tool then automatically (through an algorithm) creates the most favorable classification possible based on the specified preference. This classification will be immediately visible in Canvas Groups.

With this tool, as a teacher, I can:

  • query student preferences;
  • automatically create group formation based on these preferences;
  • modify the group formation;
  • communicate the group formation to students;
  • publish the group formation and, if needed, have the corresponding Canvas Groups or Sections created directly by Groupify.

Watch an impression of Groupify

Why should I use this tool?
  • The tool can save you time when you want to create groups based on preference, such as time of meeting or topic.
  • If you want to use the group layout somewhere other than within Canvas, you can export the layout to a .csv file.
What is this tool less suitable for?
  • You cannot create manual groups in this tool or ask students to sign themselves up for a particular group. If you do want to do this, you are better off using Canvas Groups.
When does this tool work best?
  • Informing students that they will not be guaranteed their first choice;
  • Making it clear what the choices entail;
  • You can create a new group formation as often as you like, the tool will then try to optimize the division. Check the layout before finalizing it;
  • Inform students that the algorithm only takes into account the favorites that are arranged in the desired order on the right side of the screen