VISION (Virtual Interface for Smart Interactions Online)

VISION (Virtual Interface for Smart Interactions Online)

UvA Team

Ana Oprescu (IvI, UvA project leader), Ana Varbanescu (IvI), Erwin van Vliet (SILS), Natasa Brouwer (FNWI TLC)


Project leading organization

University of Graz, Austria

In COVID-19 pandemic digitalization of higher education became a vital necessity but the  lecturers were largely unprepared to make the shift to online teaching and had difficulties adapting to new situation in a meaningful pedagogical way. Higher education students faced challenges as well. Students received less personalized feedback on their individual work thereby providing them with a lower level of understanding of their learning process.

There was also great opportunity for growth. When implemented correctly, the advancements of digital technology can be applied to higher education so that the real requirements of teachers and students are met and common mistakes are avoided. VISION has been designed with this consideration at the forefront.


Aims and objectives

VISION’s overall objective is to provide innovative online teaching and learning tools to higher education teachers and higher education students to meet individual learning requirements, accompany ongoing learning processes and make personalized learning the primary consideration in digital instruction in a pedagogically meaningful and competence-oriented way. To achieve this objective, the consortium will develop:

  • Smart Authoring Tool
  • Chatbot Tutor
  • E-Course


Start project: 01-06-2021

End project: 1-06-2023

Funding: Erasmus+




  • University of Graz (lead partner), Austria
  • University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
  • Smart-Study, Austria


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