Module 8 | An inclusive learning environment | FNWI


What is intersectionality and how does it play a role in your classroom? What makes it difficult to intervene as a teacher when a controversial comment is made? How can you invite yourself to start trying? How to react to controversial comments in the classroom, while including everyone?

Course description

This module consists of two parts that are followed together as a group. You are therefore expected present at both parts.

Enriching module

In this module we explore the critical role we play as a lecturer in creating and maintaining an inclusive learning environment in our classes. We’ll examine various concepts related to Inclusive Teaching, such as diversity, equity, inclusivity, intersectionality, and micro-aggressions. We’ll explore teaching practices that support an inclusive learning environment, and practice with interventions that can be used in the classroom to promote and safeguard inclusivity.

Sign up for this module

Target audience

  • All teachers who want to deepen their understanding and strengthen their didactical skills on creating an inclusive learning environment, especially for educational practices within a group (tutorial teachers).
  • This module is strongly recommended to all teachers 4.
  • All key and enriching modules are open for everyone who is teaching at the Faculty of Science, e.g. teachers 4, tutors and teaching assistants (PhD’s and student assistants). Not sure which module suits your learning objectives best? Please send an email to

Prior knowledge: No specific prior knowledge required. The theme does tie into the topic of module 3 the learning environment your create. So if following both modules we advise you to follow first module 3 followed by module 8.

Required time investment: Approximately half an hour preparation time plus the module itself (2 times 3 hours).

Trainers: Brit Giesbertz, Merel Pompe or Tjitske Sijbrandij

Group composition: Between 5 (minimum) and 12 (maximum) no. of participants


When, where and how?

Location: Science Park 904

Course duration: 2x 3 hours, for a total of 6 hours


You can sign up for this module via Didactical Modules TLC. The available dates are on the registration form. Do you have any questions? Please contact us via