Participants enter the track with students’ learning difficulties on the subject matter, for example outcomes from old exams, conversations between and with students and subject related teaching literature about learning difficulties. Outside of the meetings, participants will collaborate with their faculty colleagues, the other participants of the track and their students’ voice to realize the intended quality criteria.
This track also focuses on cultivating a Community of Practice (CoP). Within the CoP participants work on a shared issue about the track’s topic at a generic level. Insights may be applied in one’s own prototype. This track is interdisciplinary.
In 6 meetings of 3 hours each, every 4 to 5 weeks, you design course material that will eliminate difficulties that students have with certain concepts, theories, principles, discipline-based skills. The sessions use design-based research (DBR), quality criteria for education and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) as a capstone. In the last meeting you will present your (nearly) implemented design (prototype) to the rest of the participants and the trainers. You also invite another colleague to attend this presentation.
Didactic principles
- Interdisciplinary;
- Hands-on;
- Working solution-oriented;
- Evidence-based;
- Practical.